a journal space, links page, day planner. i need a spot to assemble and share bits of my scattered life. . .you need a spot to view it. this is all over the place.
B3 d- t- k- s u-- f-- i-- o++ x-- e- l c+
B3 d- t- k- s u-- f-- i-- o++ x-- e- l c+
04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003
06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003
07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003
09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003
10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003
06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003
07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003
09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003
10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
all over the place
December 24, 2003
Tomorrow is Thursday.
Have a nice Thursday, friends.
- posted by K. @ 11:10 p.m. |
December 23, 2003
Weird MSN Convo. Pt.II
Speak a language that includes the words "insho" or "nasutto"? Please leave a comment and let me know what it's called.
Probably my last exchange with najani2003:
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
Assalom Yovar
how are you people going to have fun if none of you people ever participate? says:
oh my god it's you again!
how are you people going to have fun if none of you people ever participate? says:
Assalom to you too.
how are you people going to have fun if none of you people ever participate? says:
So when did i give you my email address?
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
how are you people going to have fun if none of you people ever participate? says:
So how are you? It's been a while since you last messaged me.
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
tun tu nom insho dothi yi chiz kutodi petho nasutto
how are you people going to have fun if none of you people ever participate? says:
So what do you think of this weather?
how are you people going to have fun if none of you people ever participate? says:
najani2003, i think i've fallen in love with you. your stoney msn silence is endearing. will you not speak to me??
The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
najani2003, i think i've fallen in love with you. your stoney ...
how are you people going to have fun if none of you people ever participate? says:
i think i've been blocked.
The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
i think i've been blocked.
how are you people going to have fun if none of you people ever participate? says:
and so ends the najani2003 saga of late 2003, as i sit and type into a machine that will surely spit the msg back at me. oh how it hurts to have my love spurned so!!
The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
and so ends the najani2003 saga of late 2003, as i sit and type...
I have a feeling that najani2003 wasn't being very friendly this last time.
- posted by K. @ 1:34 a.m. |
December 22, 2003
lost my socks
Here's an article in eye magazine on the Barcelona Pavilion who played at Sneaky Dee's last night after The Blow. Dear lord BP can make times good. Luckily, they're going to be at Bar 56 in Kensington on the 27th. I hope to show up with Jessie.
- posted by K. @ 11:42 p.m. |
December 19, 2003
Jiggedy Jig
I'm home again (home again). And it's nice. It'll be nicer tomorrow evening when my parents get home from Mexico.
In the past week, the house has slowly started to smell like canned pet food and I don't like it one bit. A strange man wearing a maroon coloured robe has settled himself into a rocking chair in the basement. I haven't eaten in days. The car was repossed by the elderly lady my family stole it from, and she set fire to the hedge as she sped away. A group of armadillos made a snowman in the front yard when the snow fell, the neighbours complained. I tripped on a driftwood log while walking the dog and fell into the lake. The spirit of the Blue Nose hoisted my dog and me onto its decks and set course for Lake Erie; I didn't get back until this morning. The ice cream store was closed for breakfast. Bob Sagget is now in the kitchen making macaroni and cheese. I hope he still has the robe on.
The preceeding text, save for the first three sentences, have been brought to you by Kyra's House of Tales. Parents, please don't worry, everything has been fine.
- posted by K. @ 1:42 a.m. |
December 12, 2003
Favicon added this afternoon.
- posted by K. @ 3:19 p.m. |
Books for Sale
- "Foundations of Astronomy" -- Seeds -- Seventh Edition, w/CD, NoInfoTrac -- 0534392040 -- $70
- "Channel of Discourse, Reassembled" -- edited by Allen -- Second Edition -- 0807843741 -- $20
- "Conceptual Physics" -- Hewitt -- Ninth Edition -- 0321052021 -- $65
Near Perfect Condition - "Clinical Psychology" -- Trull & Pheres -- Sixth Edition, w/CD -- 0534549756 -- $90
- "Education Psychology" -- Woolfolk et al. -- 2nd Edition, w/CD -- 0205358012 -- $60
- "Psychology Frontiers and Applications" -- Passer et al. -- First Edition -- 0070891885 -- $40
- "Weaving the Web" -- Tim Berners-Lee -- 006251587x -- $5
- "Maus I: My Father Bleeds History" -- Spiegelman -- 0394747232 -- $10
- "Maus II: And Here My Troubles Began" -- Spiegelman -- 0679729771 -- $10
Bought the Book, Dropped the Course (Perfect Condition)
NOTE: The Clinical Psychology text has barely been touched.
Have a question? Want to buy a book? Email me.
- posted by K. @ 12:17 a.m. |
December 11, 2003
All Systems Go.
[exam count: 3/3]
Tomorrow I'm out of here. I'm leaving. No, not on a jet plane. I should be so lucky as to afford such speedy gettin'-the-hell-away-from-London transport. But a train is the second best mode in terms of speed, and that's what I'll be on. (I suppose a propeller plane or a helicopter would actually be the second best mode...bah!) So long quiet apartment in London, hello quiet house in Toronto! My parents are leaving for a week-long vacation half a day after my return home, so party at my house!..err..not really. The only partying at my house next week will be a one-person, sloven lounge partay, during which gross amounts of brie, baba ghanouj, and melba toast will be eaten. Wearin' just mah undies 'cause I wanna. Ohh yeahhh.
Prepare For Launch Sequence.
I must soon go to see how much money those swindly bastards at the Bookstore will pay me for my texts that are ready to sell. If you are interested in purchasing the text "Clinical Psychology" (Trull & Phares; sixth edition), please contact me. The UWO Bookstore is selling it for $118.95; you can buy it from me for $90.00. My copy is in pristine condition. Just read a couple of my school-related posts, you'll soon be convinced that there is little chance that this text book was actually opened more than ten times. Christmas shopping must find a way! That's it; I'm listing more of my school books tonight. Stay tuned for that bit of bargain baseness.
- posted by K. @ 9:57 p.m. |
December 09, 2003
"After Friday, it is no more my problem." - PM Jean Chretien on Canada's future with NATO; heard on CBC Radio1.
Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino is still a boar. Do your own googling.
- posted by K. @ 6:20 p.m. |
Sit And Spin
- posted by K. @ 3:05 p.m. |
Porous/Poor Us
The walls here in the shoe box seem pretty thin at times. Times like this morning (afternoon) when I was jiggied out of a comfortable slumber to Outkast singing "Hey Ya". "Hey Ya" is the song d'annee for my neighbours, it seems. When I first heard the little beeps that give the song's melody its backbone coming through the wall, I thought 'Oh isn't that nice. Mmhmm. Very fun, very lively.' But their love for the tune is definately not waning. In fact, it's quite possible that it's waxing! I think that Outkast may have ripped open some space-time continuum over in apartment 302 (or is it 304?). I hope not everything is going in reverse over there. If it starts to smell of talcum powder and diapers in a month, I'm calling the super. A girl should have no trouble sleeping past noon in her own home. Harumph.
So, now that I/we am/are up (I'm so quick with the conjugation! look at me slip between the first person singular and the royal/first person plural like it was butta. I deserve an award. Give me an award, dammit! Uhh....) I'm going to start into today's plan: sushi making. First dress. Then shop. Prepare rice, do some choppin' an' rollin'. Injest. Mmm...
- posted by K. @ 1:06 p.m. |
Barcelona Pavilion, The Blow, and Shotgun & Jay Bird will be playing Sneaky Dee's on Sunday, December 21st at 9 p.m. The show is pay-what-you-can...I think. Check out this digital poster to see for yourself. Now, this show is being put together by a Toronto company called Wavelength. I hadn't heard of them until last night when I was told about the show. But that doesn't mean anything; I'm not really all that hip, all that happening. The important thing is that Wavelength seems really interesting. Go see the show. I'm recommending it. If you missed The Blow's Toronto gig in November, this is your surprising chance to see her perform again. Take it.
- posted by K. @ 12:19 p.m. |
End of an Early Night
[exam count: 2/3]
[listening to: pipes whirring]
I've pretty much finished reading my latest book, "The Columbus Conspiracy" by Michael Bradley. Sometime soon I'll post a rambly something-or-other on it.
Just found out some wicked music news. That'll be up tomorrow. You are music-lucky if you live in Toronto.
Oh yes - Thanks to Hasdeep for the wonderful present! Your card is the first to make my apartment a little festive.
Weird MSN convo of the night:
najani200@hotmail.com says:
Hi yovar
najani200@hotmail.com says:
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
my uma beats your chuck says:
who is this?
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
my uma beats your chuck says:
I don't think i know you.
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
disgayet mughjinat tuyjin yiwa
my uma beats your chuck says:
Where are you?
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
on that world
my uma beats your chuck says:
Well, I'm going to block you soon. I just thought it would be interesting to find out who you are.
my uma beats your chuck says:
Will you tell me?
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
tinji yerayo
my uma beats your chuck says:
Cool. And how did I end up on your MSN contact list? Where did you get my email address?
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
I had it
my uma beats your chuck says:
Did I give to you, or did somebody else give it to you? Or did you find it online?
najani2003@hotmail.com says:
You gave it to me
my uma beats your chuck says:
When and where.
my uma beats your chuck says:
So we've met before? I'm sorry, but I have no idea of who you are. Tell me where we met and I might remember.
The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
So we've met before? I'm sorry, but I have no idea of who you a...
Googling "miserable failure" proves that there is some sort of truth online. Thanks to Dan for pointing this out to me.
- posted by K. @ 3:32 a.m. |
December 08, 2003
Song of the coupleofminutes = Angie Reed - Disco Club
- posted by K. @ 2:44 p.m. |
December 05, 2003
Glossy Things -- Blog Gazing
[exam count: 1/3]
[listening to Dressy Bessy's Maida Vale]
[listening to: Ennio Morricone's Remixes Volume 1]
[marinating: pork tenderloin]
[expounding: the virtues of black sauces]
- posted by K. @ 1:31 p.m. |
Why You Little Bugger
I don't use the BlogThis! button very often. Sometimes I neglect the 'choose your blog' option in the window that pops open. Posts have been known to dissapear into a certain void from which I must then rescue them upon realizing my mistake. So here are two such runnaways --
While searching to find who the song "Semaphore On The Dancefloor" belongs to I ended up at EM411.COM - Electronic Music 411. Pretty design, informed reviews, and active forum discussion on electronic music and its making. And a guy going by 'noisereductions' used the term tweetronics.. .which i love.
One of my favourite musicians.
- posted by K. @ 1:28 p.m. |
December 03, 2003
A Question
Can You help me find a button press that works well and doesn't cost a mint (<--ha..hah.)? Please contact me at ksavo - hotmail if You've seen such a contraption in the Toronto area recently. I'm going pawn hunting when I get back from school. London certainly doesn't have what I'm looking for.
- posted by K. @ 4:50 p.m. |
NerdMagazine. Push those frames back up the bridge of your nose, and join in the celebration of subcategorization.
- posted by K. @ 1:49 p.m. |

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