all over the place
June 22, 2003
I'm leaving for the Portage Store on Tuesday. I'll be there until labour day, with the possibility of a trip to my dad's cottage at some point in between. I'm glad to be going: I need a job, the ppl are nice, and it's a great environment. But it's also a little sad because it's more time that I won't have my parents nearby, and this year at school amounted to an eight month stint of romanticizing and yearning for my return to Toronto. I don't feel like I've have my fill of the city yet at all. And then there's the friends situation. Sitting in my living room tonight with ppl who have known me for me for years, have an idea of where I come from, know my parents, knew my sister...well, I really appreciate that. And I sort of missed that at school this year. Now, that's not to say that the one or two friendships that I found this year are anything less than things to cherish. No. It's just that having old friends in my life is really important to me. So, the fact that I'm abandoning these three things (family, friends, city) again is a little 'what the hell am i thinking?-ish'. Hopefully some great things will happen this summer in Algonquin. I think that there could be new friends to be found up there. As for next year, well, Hasdeep is a great person to know, and hopefully there will be one or two other people who I will meet in classes or clubs or randomly outside of school. I have high hopes for the apartment I'll live in (location TBA). There will be speakers, a radio, a CD player, possibly a record player (if I can find one cheap at a garage sale), books, and a computer. I have yet to decide whether I'll have internet: the price of access is an issue, as is the amount of time that I waste online. I can always work checking my email into my on-campus routine. I reeeeaally hope that finding a place works out, and I manage to find somewhere that fits the idea of what I want. (What I want is small, clean, with character, sane landlord, and good location, under five hundred a month inclusive.)